Telemetry Objects

The following is a list of every telemetry object with basic schemas to show the data that they contain.

Data dictionaries and enums can be found here.


The blueZoneCustomOptions string contains an array of config objects for each blue zone phase with the following structure:

"phaseNum":                 int,
"startDelay":               int,
"warningDuration":          int,
"releaseDuration":          int,
"poisonGasDamagePerSecond": number,
"radiusRate":               number,
"spreadRatio":              number,
"landRatio":                number,
"circleAlgorithm":          int

The array of objects is stringified to look like this:



  "name":         string,
  "teamId":       int,
  "health":       number,
  "location":     {Location},
  "ranking":      int,
  "accountId":    string
  "isInBlueZone": bool,
  "isInRedZone":  bool,
  "zone":         [regionId, ...]


  "character":           {Character},
  "primaryWeaponFirst":  string,
  "primaryWeaponSecond": string,
  "secondaryWeapon":     string,
  "spawnKitIndex":       int


  "isGame":  number

isGame represents the phase of the game defined by the status of bluezone and safezone:

isGame = 0 -> Before lift off
isGame = 0.1 -> On airplane
isGame = 0.5 -> When there’s no ‘zone’ on map(before game starts)
isGame = 1.0 -> First safezone and bluezone appear
isGame = 1.5 -> First bluezone shrinks
isGame = 2.0 -> Second bluezone appears
isGame = 2.5 -> Second bluezone shrinks


  "damageReason":             string,
  "damageTypeCategory":       string,
  "damageCauserName":         string,
  "additionalInfo":           [string, ...],
  "distance":                 number,
  "isThroughPenetrableWall":  bool


  "rank":       int,
  "gameResult": string,
  "teamId":     int,
  "stats":      {Stats},
  "accountId":  string


  "results": [{GameResult}, ...]   // Shows winning players only


  "elapsedTime":              int,
  "numAliveTeams":            int,
  "numJoinPlayers":           int,
  "numStartPlayers":          int,
  "numAlivePlayers":          int,
  "safetyZonePosition":       {Location},
  "safetyZoneRadius":         number,
  "poisonGasWarningPosition": {Location},
  "poisonGasWarningRadius":   number,
  "redZonePosition":          {Location},
  "redZoneRadius":            number,
  "blackZonePosition":        {Location},
  "blackZoneRadius":          number


  "itemId":        string,
  "stackCount":    int,
  "category":      string,
  "subCategory":   string,
  "attachedItems": [itemId, ...]


  "itemPackageId": string,
  "location":      {Location}
  "items":         [{Item}, ...]


  "x": number,
  "y": number,
  "z": number
  • Location values are measured in centimeters.

  • (0,0) is at the top-left of each map.

  • The range for the X and Y axes is 0 - 816,000 for Erangel, Miramar, Taego, Vikendi and Deston.

  • The range for the X and Y axes is 0 - 408,000 for Sanhok.

  • The range for the X and Y axes is 0 - 306,000 for Paramo.

  • The range for the X and Y axes is 0 - 204,000 for Karakin and Range.

  • The range for the X and Y axes is 0 - 102,000 for Haven.


  "killCount":           int,
  "distanceOnFoot":      number,
  "distanceOnSwim":      number,
  "distanceOnVehicle":   number,
  "distanceOnParachute": number,
  "distanceOnFreefall":  number


  "vehicleType":     string,
  "vehicleId":       string,
  "vehicleUniqueId": int,
  "healthPercent":   number,
  "feulPercent":     number,
  "altitudeAbs":     number,
  "altitudeRel":     number,
  "velocity":        number,
  "seatIndex":       int,
  "isWheelsInAir":   bool,
  "isInWaterVolume": bool,
  "isEngineOn":      bool